The Ecstatic Song of Life

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Hello dear ones,

I’m hanging out in what I’m calling a” post-retreat integration time warp”.   Kenneth and I were just at Gaia Sagrada, a retreat center here in Ecuador where we spent two weeks with several amazing Shamans, journeying with the sacred plant medicines, Grandmother Ayahuasca and Grandfather San Pedro.

This was my 60th birthday gift to myself.  Time-out-of-time, dropping into a rich alchemy of wisdom and grace.  An amazing way to step into a new decade.

For me the retreat was filled with many insights, awakenings and internal shifts.  Over time some of the jewels I’ve gathered will flow into my sharings here.  For now I’m sharing this poem by Rainer Maria Rilke with you.  It’s been very alive in my thoughts and prayers.

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.
I want to free what waits within me
so that what no one has dared to wish for
may for once spring clear
without my contriving.
If this is arrogant, God, forgive me,
but this is what I need to say.

May what I do flow from me like a river,
no forcing and no holding back,
the way it is with children.

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
these deepening tides moving out, returning,
I will sing you as no one ever has,
streaming through widening channels
into the open sea.

This poem is rich in so many ways but what I keep coming back to is the extraordinary amazement of realizing that no one else has ever sung the same heart’s song that flows from me.

The beautiful uniqueness that we each express is a precious gift no one else can give.   You are a wondrous being, beautifully expressing Existence as no one else ever has.

Sing On!

With love and blessings,