Be Your Favorite Animal

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
for Living Your Brilliance!

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Ashes and Snow ~ Gregory Colbert


Sink deep into the luscious, erotic animal of your body.

Invite awareness to turn inward and gently meet the vast interior of you; like luscious warm honey bathing your insides with its delicious sweetness.

Take this moment to allow yourself to effortlessly drop deep into the sensual animal of your being.

Stretch out your limbs, yawn, take in a long, gentle, full breath. Unclench your belly. Unclench your face. Unclench your shoulders. Unclench you ass.  Invite awareness to inhabit every cell of you.

Sink deep into the astonishing mystery that innately breathes you; that which orchestrates the myriad of processes without an effort or a thought.

Take this moment to sink deep into the miracle of extraordinary YOU.

Feeling your beauty.
With love,

That which you’ve been
you already are. 

There is no place to go.
Nothing to fix.
No special formula
to concoct.

When you awaken
to your own unique
The Mystery of Life
is expressed through you,
as YOU!  

Sharing a smile with you

Sharon Mauldin Coaching
~ Awaken To Your Brilliance  ~

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