Shakin’ Things Up

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
for Living Your Brilliance!

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Hello Dear Hearts,

In the mornings I shake.

I shake like a wild woman * I shake like a little kid * I shake like an animal *  I shake like a leaf * I shake with vigor *  I shake gently *  I shake for two minutes * I shake for twenty minutes *  I shake for the joy of it *  I shake for my freedom *

Why not join me in a shake?

Shake like you’re …
… happy to be alive

… shivering from the cold

… shaking the water off your wet hands

… a bowl full of jelly in an earthquake

… bumping down a rough road on a bike

… a five-year old whose birthday is tomorrow

… so ecstatic in your skin that you can’t hold still

… letting everything go

Shake like your freedom depends on it

Shake when you’re …
… feeling stuck

… feeling mad

… feeling delight

… listening to the news

… wanting to clear your mind

… needing an energy boost

Find Your Own Shake

Shake to …
… start your day

… make room for your next “new”

… release stress & trauma

… move lymph & blood

… reclaim your wildness

Follow your body’s impulses … Let your body shake you

Shake for  …
… the fun of it
… the absolute joy of being alive in a body
… your health
… your family, friends and planet
… your freedom
… love

OK, shaking is certainly not for everyone.  But if it’s for you … Ohhh Yeahhhh … have a blast gettin’ your shake on!   I’ll be shaking it up with you from my lanai!

Shaking for love,

P.S.  This is a great practice to share with your kiddos!

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