~Star Struck In Hawaii~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
for Living Your Brilliance!

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Hello dear Stargazers,

Under the grand mystery of an astonishingly dark and clear night sky I was star-stuck.   The message the stars sang to me was …
“You do not know what you do not know.”

   I don’t know what I don’t know …

Simple, but unfathomably deep.

I’ve been marinading in these words over the past month; inviting the wisdom of the stars to have it’s way with me without contriving or attempting to find understanding.    Not attempting to put this in a tidy box of  “I’ve got this.”

Once upon a time star-gazers didn’t know that-they-didn’t-know, the earth twirled around the sun.    Once upon a time the shape of the planet, flat or round, wasn’t even an idea tickling anyone’s imagination. They didn’t know, that they didn’t know.   Yet, those un-imagined realities impact every moment of existence.

Some nights I gaze at the night sky and I am gifted and humbled with the sweet reminder …
I don’t know what I don’t know.

Twirling around the sun with you at astonishing speeds.
Sending you love,