~ This Week Can Be Marvelous ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dearest,

In the midst of these Holy Days, I send you love and a yummy cyber hug.

I delight in this week; the week between Christmas and New Year’s Days.  There is a pause, like the places where the in-breath turns to the out-breath. And the out-breath turning to the in-breath.  Time seems to slow down and offer an invitation to rest and be still.

It’s a ripe time for reflection on the last year. It’s a rich time for putting attention and intention toward the coming year …. With every ending, a new beginning.

The “to-do list “of stereotypical New Year’s Resolutions lost its juice for me many years ago, replaced by experiences and practices that are a better fit for me.  Consequently, this week, I’ll be marinating in questions that speak to the core of my being ….

What are my deepest longings?

What makes my life meaningful?

What yearns to be lived through me?

What is my heart whispering?

What would I dedicate this year to?

These are sacred, precious questions to sit with and savor.  I’m not searching for an answer or trying to “get this done”.  I invite the questions themselves to have their way with me.

The words that emerge are simple, but elegantly potent and poignant.  A few words or a sentence from the heart carries a quality of vitality and truth that a lengthy mental “essay” misses.   This is a practice of invoking the sacred wisdom and gentle voice of my heart and soul; listening with openness, curiosity and wonder.  

I think of this “sweet reminder” from the poet Rainer Maria Rilke … “Live the questions now”.   Indeed.  Live the questions now.

There’s a myriad of ways the start of a new year is honored and celebrated.  (With respect, I am mindful that there are cultures and traditions who celebrate the start of a year at a different time.)  I bow to whatever style or tradition you embrace.  For me, I’m going to do my best to live the questions now.

Here’s to an extraordinary 2019!
With love and possibilities,