~ Another “Falling In Love” Moment ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Sweet One,

I fell in love.

It happened early this morning when I was licking the thick, sweet honey off my spoon.  

I paused to fully indulge in the luscious flavor and sensual texture.  In the intimacy of that moment, with just the honey and me, I fell in love.  

I fell in love with bees and the nectar-rich botanicals that yearn for pollination.  I fell in love with the astonishing bee alchemy that transformed the pollen into honey.

I fell in love with Harry, the bee guy who delights me with his kindness and his knowledge and his heart for all things bee and honey related. I fell in love with the bee wisdom passed down over thousands of years.

I fell in love with a moment that was filled with gratitude for the beautiful gift given to me when I licked that honey off my spoon and dropped into appreciation for all that went into bringing that honey to my lips.

I fell in love with the practice of stopping and deeply appreciating the immense energy, creativity and grace that goes into everything that is part of my life.  There is a lot here for me.

With awe and so much sweetness,