~ Sweetness ~ Drop Into The Body With This

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Lovelies,

Let’s travel some place you may never have consciously visited before; the inside of your body! Could it be possible for you to feel your body from the inside?  

This is not a practice for the thinking mind so if you notice the mind wanting to “do” the practice. Turn your attention back to experiencing sensation and stay curious, open to experiencing something new.

Close your eyes.  Like thick, luscious honey, invite awareness to slowly fill the inside of your body.  Begin at the top of your head, and gently, patiently, experience it coating every cell of your body, all the way down to your toes.

Without effort, soften your attention and drop deeper into feeling.

Now, softly hum, like the hum of a small swarm of bees, which activates a buzz in your body.  Drop into the center of the buzz and rest all of your attention on that vibration.

When you stop humming is it possible to continue to feel the quieter, more subtle vibration that continues to reverberate through the body?  

Rest here.  Feel here. Stay curious.

Vibrating with you in love,