~ Sending This Right Back To You ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Lover,

Here’s a simple practice that can be extraordinarily potent.  It’s a beautiful way to start and end your day.  Give it a 7 day test-run, for the love of you!

Sit, stand or lie down ….

Bring your awareness to the center of your chest… to the energy center of our heart.
Bring your hands to touch over the center of your chest and more deeply connect with the energy of your heart.

Feel the love, attention and nurturing that you bring to the world. Feel the way you are with the children who are dear to you; the way you are with those most precious to you. 

Remember a time when you felt absolute unconditional love flowing through you and invite that feeling to permeate you.  Feel the love that was there then, as if you were in that situation right now.
Feel that quality in your heart; unconditional love going out to this other person or situation.  

NOW turn that love-feeling back toward yourself. 

Feel your heart presence folding back into you.   Give this love to yourself.   With both of your hands on your heart, feel this flow of love. 

How deeply can you receive yourself?  

Let your breath flow freely.  Exhale gently through your mouth and release a sigh or moan.

Let a smile organically arise from inside of you.  Feel your heart smile.

Continue to tune into this love and fold it back into you while you focus on deeply receiving yourself.
When you feel your practice is complete, take a moment to sit in stillness and then take self-love into the rest of your day.

With that kind of love,