~ Laughing at this! ~ Year of Laughter Update

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello dear ones,

You might remember that my birthday gift to myself last month was the intention to bring more laughter into my daily life.  What a wonderful gift. What a great mission!

Here’s my greatest laughter lesson so far… 
      Laugh at myself! 

Being able to laugh at myself seems to be a good foundation for true lightheartedness and presence. 

So I’ve been …
laughing at my quirkiness
laughing at the parts of myself I wish were different
laughing at my compulsions and revulsions
laughing at my blunders
and laughing at my “me-isms”

One practice to foster that laughter is to take a few minutes to really exaggerate a part of myself I’ve been taking too seriously.    I’ll shift things up by talking in the voice of a cartoon character or with a foreign accent.  I’ll exaggerate a quirky habit until it seems ridiculous.

And I’ll laugh at my notion that I should be any other way than how I’m showing up in this moment.

Of course, laughing at someone else can also be good medicine!  Here’s a good place to start …

Let's laugh at Kenneth
Sending you laughter from the Gum Wall in Seattle!

All Love To You,