~ Playing With A New Flavor of Gratitude ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Precious Being,

This morning I was hanging out with one of my dear long-time friends. As we reflected on how life has unfolded for us, and especially the astonishing synchronicities that brought us into each other lives, I was overwhelmed with gratitude.  I never could have imagined such a magnificent collaboration of events.
What tickled me; and then humbled me; and then lead me to astonishingly deep gratitude, was the realization that I barely have the most minuscule inkling of all that has transpired to bring me to this moment. (And “most minuscule inkling” feels like an exaggeration.)
I practice cultivating gratitude for my life.    I practice gratitude for things, people, experiences, lessons. I practice gratitude for the grace of how life’s blessed me.  I practice gratitude for the “good” and the “bad” of it.  I practice gratitude for the “wished-for” and “un-wished” for.
I even practice pre-gratitude … gratitude for the unknown future that has yet to reveal itself.
Now I’m adding the practice of seeping in gratitude for the myriad of unseen, unknowable, synchronicity of circumstances and events that I’ll never know about, but that have conspired to bring me right here, right now, with you. 

With THAT kind of gratitude,