~ Wild Lyon~Hearted Love ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Precious One,

This poem carries my heart’s longing for fierce-terrifying-transformative love.
Breathing into this message with you,
Sharon ….

There is a wild love that will not satisfy you but destroy you, there is a wild love that will not bring you contentment but tear you open from the inside to reveal nothing less than the fiery face of the universe  ~ Bruce Lyon

Wild Love

When you are tired of the love
that curls up in the lap
of your personal desires
and purrs with the happiness
of what you think you need

consider this:
There is a wild love
that will not satisfy you
but destroy you
there is a wild love
that will not bring you contentment
but tear you open from the inside
to reveal nothing less
than the fiery face of the universe
The hot breath of that liberation
will quail your heart
before it breaks it
When you want that
stake yourself out
beyond the back fence 
of your identity
where the deep forest beckons
quiver and bleat like the poor goat
when it hears the soft snap
of twigs under paws
Wild love has not come to be your pet
If you are lucky your fear 
will draw it near
and then you may find
the torn fragments of your old self
curled up and purring
in the belly, the blood, the breath and the roar
Wild Love