~ Buddha On The Wall ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Heart,

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.Buddha.

This quote is on a banner that lives on the bedroom wall in the Los Angeles home I’m living in right now.

When I open my peepers in the morning it’s one of the first things I see.  As I crawl into bed, once again, it’s there offering  a ‘good night’ reminder to be exquisitely loving to myself.

Every day that banner encourages me to find ways to be more kind, gentle, sweet, loving and affectionate to myself.

With that banner as my cheerleader, I’ve been asking myself   “How can I be my own best lover in this moment?

I’m not only asking the questions, I’m starting to listen to the answers too.

Yes, I deserve my own love and affection. 
Yes. You deserve your own love and affection.

Sending you a heap of self-kindness,
with love,