~ When’s The Last Time You Did This? ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Lovely One,

This morning I’ve been pondering an email I recently received from a friend who is just re-entering her “business life” after taking a post-concussion-brain-care sabbatical. 

Her message took me back to a year where I put my own “regular life” on pause to care for myself when my auto-immune system went bonkers.

Since that time, I’ve been learning to listen more sharply to my inner impulses that tell me to stop.

When I listen closely I know when it’s time to put myself in “time-out” from the routine of my life.   When I don’t listen, the signals get stronger and stronger.   Sometimes the body just says, “Stop!”  It can knock me off my feet so that not stopping isn’t an option.   

Now, here we are at the Solstice. Even the movement of the sun appears to stop for several days.   

But isn’t this often the way of it?  Often the times we need to take a pause and stop are the times when life feels unbelievable full. With that in mind I’ve included a powerful “stop” practice that can be done almost anywhere, anytime …. and it only takes a minute.

Experiment with this practice for an entire week.  I’d enjoy hearing about what you notice.

Stopping in this moment with you,

In the midst of your busy day, when there seem to be so many things to do,
Stop moving, stop talking, stop what you are doing, and feel.
Hold your body in the same position.
Feel this moment just as it is.
Hear the sounds.
Notice the sensations in the body.
Notice the speed and texture of your thoughts.
Remain like this for sixty seconds.
See? The world around you continues, even without your involvement.
Who are you now, outside of the game?
Now continue with your day.

From Leap Before You Look by Arjuna Ardagh,
with gratitude.