~ Every One Has Something To Say About This Virus ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Lovelies,

I’ve been pondering the potential for change and transformation that comes hand-in-hand with the Coronavirus.   When I widen my vision beyond the fear-based barrage of news, I see the ripe potential that this time holds.  This time will change us.  It’s up to each one of us to decide if we will collapse in fear or rise in Love.

Everyone’s gifts are needed right now.   You are needed right now.

In the midst of the fear, panic and uncertainly, staying rooted in presence, love, and vision is as important as thorough hand washing and ramping-up our immune system.  

Ground yourself in why you’re alive on this planet.  Cultivate new ways to share compassion and connection with others.  Disconnect from the constant diet of information/misinformation and bathe in messages of inspiration and creativity.

Find your practices: the ones that keep your energy flowing;  that ground you in presence; that support you to relax into your natural state; that invite the gifts that are uniquely yours to come forth.

Notes to myself …  Be still, dance, laugh, make-love, cry, sing, pray, play, howl, nap, smile, shake, feet on the earth, get in water, drink water, be nurtured by nature, listen to nature, listen to uplifting music, call a friend, cultivate gratitude. Hands on my heart, breath into my belly.  Find things that bring me delight, like this cartoon …

The mind is like tofu. It tastes like whatever you marinate it in.  *  Sylvia Boorstein

I’m choosing to marinade my mind in gratitude, love and brilliant possibilities.
Let love spread like a virus … and wash your hands!

With a smile and Namaste,