~ The Other Side Of The Wait ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

There is a path that is yours alone. The sun and moon and stars even do not understand. So sit on the path and wait, until your feet can no longer stand still. Then, and only then, can you move.”

Wow!  How life has drastically changed.  I wrote the following Sweet Reminder a couple weeks ago.  I read it now with a little different perspective.  Today it speaks to me more poignantly than I could have imagined. 
        Holding you all in love, Sharon

Hello Dear Heart,

Not long ago, while I was sitting in the “what’s next?”, I wrote about my experience of waiting.  Here’s an update on what’s been unfolding for me.
I was waiting; and then I wasn’t.   The next movement became clear; invitations; commitments; airline tickets bought.  And here I am; writing this from Ecuador. 

The Holy often moves beyond the confines of the linear time and space that I’m most comfortable with.   It’s a continual practice to deepen in my trust of the impeccable timing of “The Holy Tickle That Moves My Feet”.  

Here some of the thoughts that have been stirring in me:

*  At times that impulse to move can look like a small, insignificant step. Take that step!

*  At other times following that impulse can seem like stepping off a cliff into thin air. Leap!

* Following that impulse doesn’t always look neat and tidy. It’s not always a rosy, smooth road. It doesn’t necessarily lead to where or what I expected. (more accurately, it has never  lead to what I expected. lol) My thoughts might get tangled up in confusion; but, there is a place, when I am still, where  that impulse feels absolutely right.

*  When I’m moved by an irresistible impulse one of my habits is to act like the waiting ceases and  it’s time for me to take over with action.  It’s like I tell God “Thanks for the direction, I’ve got it from here.”    So, I come to the practice of letting go of my compulsive doing-ness and slip back into spaciousness that invites the doings to emerge and flow with ease, through presence.

* I have  become curious about cultivating a deeper experience of “waiting in presence” in contrast to “waiting in distraction”.

Here’s the paradox that makes me smile…
When I go deeper, there’s no such thing as waiting. 

Every moment is the only moment.
Breathe this Now Moment.  
Feel what’s here right now.
See the aliveness that permeates everything.  

Life is happening in what I called the waiting moments.   

I meet Love here. Love meets me here.  
There’s a shit-load happening in the waiting.  
I’m reminding myself not to miss it.

Sharing my thoughts from Ecuador and sending you love,


~ A Gift For You ~
I have the mojo, heart and calling to offer you support in this uncertain time by way of guided mediation, gentle practices  or simply with time to chat about what’s moving for you.  It’s my way of supporting the field of healing while I’m tucked away.  There is no charge for this.

If you’d like to meet with me via phone or zoom please contact me with two or three times that would be good for you.  Also let me know where you are located so I can make the time-zone conversion.