~ Leaving Myself Alone ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Dear Ones,

It comes down to this … My body. The earth. The body. My earth.

Look what happens when we leave the earth alone. She re-emerges. She heals. She revitalizes. She flourishes.   All that was needed was for us to pause. To let her catch her breath.  To stop the constant barrage of doingness that most of us humans have come to see as “normal living”.

These days I’m doing my best to leave myself alone.  Nothing needs to be worked on or improved. There is nothing that I have to change.   I am letting this pause have its way with me.

And I notice ….

The breath still comes and goes, on its own. The blood and lymph nurtures and cleanses, on its own. The heart is still beating. Sleep comes. Awakeness comes. Food is transformed to energy. Messages move through the inner galaxy of neural networks.  A myriad of processes continue, all on their own.  

There is abundant Grace in the not-doing.

I am the earth that has been longing for not-doing so that its natural presence, that which is always here, can organically be expressed with vitality.

So, I hang out with those who water and feed me. I open to the friends who shine rays of warm sunlight on me, and those who bring life-giving rain showers. And I invite Life to have her beautiful way with me.

I’m staying curious in these questions…

What is life like when I leave myself alone and let the world come to me?

What happens when I stop the conversations I am having and come into silence?

As I rest in this silence, will I listen to the conversations Life wants to have with me?    

Hmmmmmm ……

Resting in Love,

Resources To Help You Shelter In Peace
Almost daily I drop into the field of yum with these dear friends,
Manose, Deva Premal and Miten.
I sing, dance and bask in the delight of their presence and music.
You’re welcome to join in, any day, any time.
Daily On-Line Chanting & Song Offerings

FaceBook Live
Manose Newa
  Daily @ 11:11AM PDT

(he usually begins shortly after 11am)

Deva Premal & Miten  
2pm PDT

Join them live or drop in on their FB page anytime and bask in the love
( You can also find them on Instagram)