~ Simply Put ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Ones,

Every Sunday morning at 10am I curl up on my couch to be lead and loved through a luscious breath meditation with Lucy Hamel. 

Lucy has a knack for bringing me rich insights through her simple questions and reflections.   Then the breath journey invites something organic and beyond my thinking mind to emerge.  
Each week my experience is utterly unique.  I am often surprised by what unfolds for me.

This past Sunday’s harvest came from these simple statements:

     ~  Anxiety is who I think I should be
     ~  Anxiety is who I think other people should be
     ~  Relaxation is who I am

Since Sunday I’ve been chewing on these with curiosity and appreciation.

Of course, you know I have a lot I could say about this, but today I’ll leave you to your own insights and aha-s.

With a breath of insight and love,

Wanna breathe with me?

Lucy’s Free Sunday Breath Meditations
are open to anyone.

Sign-up for for her newsletter to receive the weekly Zoom link and instructions.

Sundays ~10 AM EDT~ 
Be sure to make the adjustment for your time zone

I’d smile to see you there!