~ The Path of Pleasure ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Dear Hearts,

I wrote this last Thursday, just a couple hours before we were blasted with the full force of a tropical storm and my attention turned to leaky windows and floor mopping! LOL. 
I’m happily sitting on the living floor at my lovely makeshift desk.   I’m right in the path of Tropical Storm Isaias;  winds rushing through the open front door. With wildness, the wind caresses my body and tumbles my hair before heading on its way, out through the lanai door.

I gotta pause here …  just for a sec, I’ll be right back . . .

. . . Ahhhh. That was a pause for pleasure. A pause to fully give myself to the body sensations that are here right now.  

There is the yummiest bliss always waiting for me in this body.     I can go for an hour, or even an entire day, without turning my attention to the exquisiteness of my body’s pleasure.    I know, it’s hard to believe!   Once I was called a “sensation junky”.  It was said with endearment and I took it as a grand compliment.    Pleasure is an exquisite portal to presence.   That’s right. Pleasure is a portal to presence.

Have you ever stopped to ponder the nature of the body’s pleasure?   Have you ever had an experience that revealed how life can be absolutely orgastic, oozing with pleasure in surprising ways?

I’m not just talking about the orgasms found in sex play, which is eye-rollingly delicious.    I’m also talking about the orgastic sensations that are everywhere; available in any moment, when I’m awake to feeling them.

The kind of exquisite attention to pleasure I’m talking about wasn’t easy for me to become friends with.   Along my growing-up path I picked up baggage that was crammed with ideas like: pleasure is taboo, pleasure is saved for special occasions; my pleasure is selfish; pleasure is sinful; pleasure is a reward …  You get the idea. It was a pretty jumbled-up, extraordinarily messy suitcase that I was hauling around.  Does any of that sounds familiar to you?

Years ago, as baggage started falling away, I learned how to open to and welcome pleasure.  I learned how to cultivate pleasure.  Yes, I opened to ecstatic sexual pleasure through lovemaking, with myself and with a beloved, but I also opened to the ecstasy of pleasure that’s always here, in any moment, regardless of the circumstances in or around me.

I lived into that revelation about pleasure being a portal to presence; and, paradoxically, pleasure as a consequence of being present.

What I’ve learned, not just from my own conditioning and experience, but also through working with beloveds in the Sacred Sexual Arts for over 20 years, is that many of us have become disconnected from even beginning to know how to feel the depths of pleasure that are available to us.   And those depths, I believe, are limitless. There is always the potential to feel just a little deeper that which is under the skin of what I’m familiar with.

If you’re curious about joining me in this exploration of limitless pleasure, wonderful!  The exploration is simple, interesting …  and pleasurable.

Below I’m sharing with you one of the most astonishing practices for activating and broadening your ability to feel pleasure.   The form of this practice is from the wisdom  of Dr. Betty Martin. I share it with gratitude. 

The Pleasure In Your Hands
Before beginning, read the entire practice; under the steps are suggestions for getting the most value from this.  Enjoy!
~Sit leaning back with your back supported and straight

~ Put a pillow on your lap so your hand is supported

~ Take any household object and slowly explore it with the palm of one of your hands.   Notice every detail the of the object.   A variation of this is to use one hand to hold and move the object on the palm of the other hand.  Explore both.

~ Your attention should be on the sensations in your hand and away from the story description about the object.

~  Watching your hand can be helpful.

~ Move very slowly. When you think you are going slow, see if you can move ½ that speed.   At times come into stillness.

~ When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the sensations in your hand.

~ Begin to notice pleasant sensations. Keep your attention on that area for a while.

~ Welcome the sensations of pleasure. How much pleasure are you willing to feel in your hand?

~ Continue this touch until you feel your body shift into relaxation. Your breath will slow and your muscles will soften.

This is not about making anything happen … There are no goals.  It’s an allowing for pleasure to arrive through your awareness of sensation.

This cultivates a relaxed pleasure through sensation.  You are taking action toward your own pleasure; waking up brain cells that will expand your ability to receive pleasure in all parts of your body.

It develops the ability to consciously choose where you bring your attention.

When we engage with this type of attention triggers and emotions may come up. Welcome whatever comes, gently meeting the edges of your discomfort where you can still soften into relaxation, not forcing or pushing through anything.

Do this practice five minutes a day for a week or so.  Begin to weave moments of this practice through out your day.

Pleasure …
It’s great for your health!

If you need a little more encouragement for diving into your pleasure, here you go ….

Pleasure helps keep you hormones happy by supporting the release of:

These hormones are busy. For starters they:
Reduce Stress
Increase energy
Improve sleep
Enhances your immune system
Improves your sense of well-being

And there are lots of great things that go along with these!!!
Find out for yourself!

In the pleasure of this moment,