~ As The Moon Slips Away ~ From My Heart, A Time Sensitive Message

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

I’m making some email changes.
Sweet Reminders will soon be coming from  sharon@sharonmauldin.com
Please update your address book or white-list this address so future messages make it to you.

Please don’t miss the special note I’ve included at the end of this message.

Hello Moon Beams,

The crescent moon was just a sliver, lying on her back, shimmering in the pre-dawn moments when I settled into this morning’s new beginning.   A sliver so slight, she might have seemed fragile if I didn’t know better.
I saw her offering open hands where I could lay the grief and anguish that has been stirring in me since I heard the news about a family, loosely woven with mine, that has been devastated by the death of a family member; a victim of a drive-by shooting as he left the funeral of a friend.
And I saw her offering a blessing bowl, inviting me to fill her with my gratitude, prayers, longings and dreams; enticing me to answer the question, “This day, this time of new beginnings, what seeds will you plant, beloved one?”
Very soon she will slip away entirely, everything I put into those hands and that bowl will dissolve back into formlessness, reminding me of the nature of change and cycles.   
And still, when she’s dark, she pulls the tides to their extremes.  The waters of my body also being pulled by her rhythm. There is great potency in this time so I offer to this new moon my heart’s longings that are deep and true.
And I trust the departures and returns; the comings and the goings. 
I am grateful for endings.  I am grateful for beginnings.

Resting in possibilities being planted,
with new moon love,

My heart is raw and tender but it’s also inspired.   
I’m folding cranes for love and hope.
 I’m in the midst of raising funds for the Homeboy 130 Challenge.   I’m reaching out here to ask you to consider contributing to my fundraising campaign.  This isn’t something I’d normally ask in a Sweet Reminder but the murder of Isaiah Hubbard  last Friday has moved me to reach out beyond myself. The tragic loss of Isaiah’s life to random gun violence has hit close to home; my sister, Diane is a friend and co-worker of Isaiah’s mom and his Aunt is an acquaintance of mine.
I’m dedicating my fundraising campaign to Isaiah and his family.
 Here’s the link to my Homeboy 130 Challenge fundraising page:
Based in Los Angeles, Homeboy Industries is an amazing rehabilitation program for gang members. I feel deeply aligned with their values, philosophy and community contribution.  There’s a lot more to this organization but I’ll let you discover that on your own.   Their annual fundraising race has turned virtual this year with individuals and teams committing to 130 Acts of Hope and raising funds through sponsors.
My contribution is creating fun and beautiful beaded art with 130 origami cranes that I’m prayerfully folding.  I’ll be giving away these cranes in the spirit of gratitude and hope.

With each fold and each bead I say a little prayer, offer a blessing, or say a name. 

I also offer gratitude for the work Homeboy Industries does; a work that has saved many lives and offers new beginnings.  I also know that in the future many families will be spared the grief of losing a loved one because of Homeboy’s good work.
If this organization speaks to you please contribute to this fundraiser, either financially or by holding Homeboy Industries in your thoughts and prayers.

Here’s the link to my Homeboy 130 Challenge fundraising page:

With gratitude for new beginnings,