A Gentle Moment of Tranquility

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Breathing out, gently whispering the words, Letting Go

Hello Beloveds,

This morning, as I slipped into the cool salty water, the sun peeked over the low clouds and reached her warm rays out to me.   The water felt like liquid silk caressing my skin as the sun’s kiss penetrated my cheek.

The stillness of the morning settled over me like a gentle mist and I heard my out-breath whisper…”letting go.”

Such a simple yet profound practice … breathing out, gently whispering, “letting go”

Letting Go …
 …. into Love,

Sending you the whisper of a loving breath,

Dear One,
How are you navigating these days?  Are you caring for yourself?

This is an invitation for you to reach out to me if you could use some extra connection during this intense time. We’ll take 15-20 minutes to breathe, “metaphor”, shake, vent, laugh or sit in stillness together.   In these uncertain and challenging days this is my way of sharing a little love and support. 

There is no charge for these connections, please receive them as a gift from my heart to yours. Just contact me with two or three times that would be good for you and let me know where you are located so I can make the time-zone conversion.   We can meet via phone or Zoom.

~ Holding you in love ~