~ They Tell Ya Not To Do This ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

This Place Where You Are Right Now God Circled On A Map For You 

Hello Dear Ones.

Turn around. Look behind you. 

I know we’re often told not to do that; not to look back.   As if we’ll get sucked into an inescapable vortex of “once upon a time”, we’re directed to move toward an imagined future with admonishments like “Keep your eye on the prize or the road up ahead.” “Looking back fosters regrets.”  “Be in The Now“. Remember how Lot’s wife (who didn’t even get  to be named) turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back”.

But the other day, with the sun rising in front of me, I turned around and was astonished.

Long threads of brilliance stretched out across the sky behind me. Those rays offered a compelling invitation to remember where I had come from.  I breathed in appreciation for the alchemy of my lifetime of past moments.  In their mysteriously choreographed way they all  had elegantly conspired to bring me to that one sunlit moment.   

And then a rainbow appeared.  It was a sweet reminder that every one of those precious moments is also being intricately woven into the future that is unfolding. 

I am grateful for them all.

With Love,

~ Bringing the Past Into Presence with Practice ~

*  When did your life take a unexpected twist or turn that you are grateful for?

*  What unanticipated/unplanned meeting of someone changed your life?

*  What riches have you harvested after an un-wished-for disappointment, loss or heartbreak?

*  Who were the cheerleaders, mentors and friends, maybe long-ago forgotten, who gifted you with their presence?

*   When in your past were you brave, bold and courageous in a way that surprised you?

*   Can you invite your imagination to time-travel back through generations, of generations, of your genealogy and appreciate the astronomical number of moments that all needed to come together to create the miracle of you? 

So, I turn around. I look behind me.  I sit with these questions. I say “Thank You”.  And turning once again, I take a step into my unfolding future with gratefulness and a deep breath.
