~ Best-Laid Plans ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”   Winnie The Pooh

Hello Beloveds,

Last week was a week of tumbled plans. Commitments and plans shifted as quickly and unpredictably as the Dominican weather.   

When the dust of disappointment and change settled, my calendar was suddenly left with several days of few commitments, followed by a Saturday dental appointment for a root canal.

My days are usually filled with appointments and connections that I thoroughly enjoy, so it surprised me to feel the deep sense of freedom and lightness when those days opened up.

It’s not uncommon for plans to unexpectedly shift, especially these days; but it is unusual for me to just leave them open instead of using that time to fit in some other luscious plan or “catch-up” with “things”. (“Caught-up” never happens for me, have you noticed that too?)

So, I let my days be open to my imagination.  I gave myself to the pull arising in the moment.    Ohhhh, I was deeply nourished by the spaciousness of that unplanned time-out.    I even enjoyed feeling sorry for myself and my achy tooth!

I’m being sweetly reminded to slip those “absolutely-nothing-extraordinarily-valuable” days into my life more often.   That is a reminder that’s great for me to come back to again, and again, and again.

With love and spaciousness,

PS … The Root Canal went smoothly but I still have a few “feel-sorry-for-myself” days ahead. xoxo