~ Valuable Info!  What’s Happening To Our Nervous Systems? ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Hearts,

I’m sitting at my living room window watching the stormy sea. The howl of the wind is intense. which makes a grand sound track for this cozy day.   

Lately I’ve been feeling a little stormy inside of myself and I ponder that as I watch the ever-changing wildness of this storm.   Yesterday was absolutely calm … that calm before the storm you’ve heard about.

Last week I listened to the OnBeing.Org  podcast  What’s Happening To Our Nervous Systems?   As I’ve been considering what to share in this Sweet Reminder that podcast keeps coming to mind.  It speaks to many of the conversations I’ve found myself in lately; conversations with clients, friends and me-myself-and-I as we navigate a full range of emotions and Covid-life begins to shift once again. 

Lack of motivation, forgetfulness, the bah humbugs, boredom and exhaustion have become familiar companions to many of us.  And right along side of those are often self-criticism, judgement, internal wrestling matches and hearty attempts to change or “get-back-to-normal”.

Krista Tippett’s insightful interview with clinical psychologist Christine Runyan offered valuable  information, understanding, and practical support that speaks to these experiences and I want to share the podcast with you.  
Here’s the link:

What’s Happening To Our Nervous Systems? 
From that link you have access to the produced podcast, the unedited interview and the transcript.   

Let’s be gentle with ourselves.

With wind-blown love to you,

What’s Happening To Our Nervous Systems?
The light at the end of the COVID tunnel is tenuously appearing — yet many of us feel as exhausted as at any time in the past year. Memory problems; short fuses; fractured productivity; sudden drops into despair. We’re at once excited and unnerved by the prospect of life opening up again. Clinical psychologist Christine Runyan explains the physiological effects of a year of pandemic and social isolation — what’s happened at the level of stress response and nervous system, the literal mind-body connection. And she offers simple strategies to regain our fullest capacities for the world ahead.