~ Not So Smooth Landing ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

“Whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people:
but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.”

Hello Beloved,

Moving into a new housesitting situation always seems to turn me up-side-down for a time.  I have to fit my un-organized organization into the nooks and crannies of someone else’s established life. 

Each home has its unique character and it takes some time to acquaint myself with this not-yet-discovered ground; like meeting a new friend, it takes a little time to become comfy in our relating.

Since my move a few days ago I’ve been finding myself restless and unsettled. I’m out-of-step with my own rhythm.   When it’s like that I often find myself searching for the perfect story to explain myself to myself, as if it’s a grand idea to talk myself out of being right where I am.

Yet I know that welcoming and feeling exactly what is here, right now, is the richest, juiciest way to be in my life; so I’m taking my time to be with the rainbow of feelings that are here..

Going back to a Sweet Reminder I original wrote in 2017 is as timely for me now as it was back then.    Maybe it will speak to you, too.
With love ….

The other day I sank into this  ee.cummings quote …
“Whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.”

I instantly sensed I was being held by grace and simplicity. 

“The practice” comes back around, once again …
Just feel what’s arising in this moment. 
Nothing more. Nothing less.
… Simple (but sometimes not easy.)

Here’s a starting place….
Become aware of that which is feeling sensations.
Become aware of that which is hearing sounds.
Become aware of that which is seeing shapes, noticing scents, and experiencing tastes.  

Notice when comparisons, commentary or evaluations arise.  Kindly invite them to float away, as if they were clouds in the sky. Gently bring yourself back to the sensations arising in this moment.
… Simple (but not always easy)

The moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.

Celebrating and loving YOU!