~ Trading Tools For Toys ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Start thinking about this less as a tool box and tools, and more as a toy box

Hello Playmates!

I was recently listening to a Sounds True interview with Resmaa Menaken, psychotherapist specializing in the effects of trauma on the human body and author of the book My Grandmother’s Hands
I’m awed and challenged by Resmaa.  He speaks about, and facilitates, Somatic Abolitionism.  His is a voice and resource I often turn to in my learning and personal work around racism and white-body supremacy.
Resmaa explores extremely serious issues so it took me by surprise when he talked about the array of practices he shares as toys.  “Start thinking about this less as a tool box and tools, and more as a toy box”
It’s got me pondering and playing with that way of looking at things. 
Once upon a time I graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in “Recreation”.  I was really juiced by the transformational aspect of play.  From games, outdoor adventuring, ropes courses, I saw all varieties of people experience re-creation in the inner and outer terrain of their lives, through play. Play is still alive in me and woven into the fabric of my life but what captured my attention as I listened to that interview was the serious context Resmaa’s invitation came from.    His words held a kind of permission and curiosity to take toys and play into more vulnerable and important areas of my life.
Tools belong to the world of problems and fixing things. For many of us the “I’ve got to work on this job, relationship, myself etc,” ” is laced with the  conditioning of drudgery; something that has to be accomplished to get to the “good stuff”. There’s a goal to reach and the journey to get there is often not seen as valuable.

Toys belong to the world of play where innocence, creativity, curiosity, wonder and exploration come together. Something fresh, inspiring and surprising is available.  There is no far-off destination to reach, instead, each moment is integral to the whole experience.

So, I’m inspired to turn my tools into toys.  I’m filling up my toy box. I’m playing with these questions:
What happens when I see the practices I bring to my life as toys?  
What if my to-do-list was held as play? 
What if I reach into my toy box when I face a difficulty or challenge?  Hmmmm ….

I have quite a ways to go to live into those questions. Thankfully, I have loads of toys to help me!
Look for me in the sandbox!
With love,

What Somatic Abolitionism Is

Somatic Abolitionism is living, embodied anti-racist practice and cultural building —a way of being in the world. It is a return to the age-old wisdom of human bodies respecting, honoring, and resonating with other human bodies.

Here’s a link to the Sounds True podcast that inspired this message: Resmaa Menakem being interviewed by Tami Simon
Here’s the transcript of that interview