~ Turtles! ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear One,

The way the sun sparkled on the ocean it was like diamonds dancing with delight.  The ocean was still and the morning was perfect for an early paddle.   
After paddling out beyond the gentle swells I just about fell off my paddleboard when a little way from me, I saw a turtle’s head pop out of the sparkles.  Total delight and excitement!
The head quickly submerged and I wasn’t absolutely sure I really saw a turtle until that head popped out of the water again.  The sea was clear enough that I could softly make out the turtle’s shell under the sparkles.     My perfect paddle just became a little more perfect!  
I was entranced.
But, after a few more head bobs, I realized there was a rhythm that wasn’t turtle-like at all.   The sunny sparkles, watery distortion and my excitable imagination turned a bobbing piece of drift wood into that very special turtle.
 Now it was my laughter at myself that almost knocked me off my paddleboard.  I really wanted that to be a turtle!!!
And,  How often do I see my world through distortions …  through the “I really wannas”?
       … my answer, “Only Always!”   LOL
And I wonder how often I tightly hold onto an illusion and don’t realize that the turtle is really driftwood?   And, you know, driftwood is beautiful in its own right, so, I miss the true beauty that’s right in front of me when I’m all tangled in my imagination.

I’m remembering another story.  It was several years ago, just at the end of a SCUBA dive off the shore of Mahahual Mexico.  
The dive master was pointing at a rock outcropping that seemed as big as a Volkswagen Beetle.  My eyes scanned around the rock hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever underwater surprise the divemaster was pointing out.  
In an instant, that VW transformed into the biggest turtle I could ever imagine!!!  A REAL turtle this time!   That’s a moment frozen in my forever memory.
Everything underwater is magnified and that turtle certainly wasn’t as huge as my perception said it was. Still, as I smile in the awe of that moment, in my remembering that turtle was definitely as big as that VW!  No matter what the evidence or logic, that’s my story and it’s alive in me.
And … who in my life do I see through my fantasies and grand wishes?   Who am I not letting be themselves in my mind, sometimes keeping them on pedestals, other times diminishing their magnificence?
…  my answer “Only Everyone!”   hmmmm.
 Back to that morning on my paddle board; paddling back toward the beach, wouldn’t you know it, I spotted another turtle!!!   This time I was more cautious with my excitement, being pretty certain this would be another piece of driftwood. 
But, as I paddled closer to the ???   I was wishing with my whole enthusiastic being that this time I had spied a turtle. 
And this time, my turtle ended up being a partially submerged palm frond.
But … for a moment … it was a turtle… and that made me happy.
Yes, I am a quirky paradox as I continue learning to love it all!
With love and turtle mojo,