~ A Much Needed Sweet Reminder From My Husband ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Ones,

Maybe this will sound familiar to you ….

Last week I was full. Soooo Fullll! 

That overstuffed, “Why did I eat so much?”, full.  Monty Python, “The Meaning of Life”, FULL. (If you haven’t watched that movie imagine “bursting at my seams full”.)
But it wasn’t too much food that was pulling at my belly seams, it was the fullness of undigested emotions. 
I know emotions are energy, and energy just wants to flow, and when it’s damned up by resistance that energy just keeps pushing harder and harder until the damn breaks.  
Yet, even in my knowing that, I find myself resisting. It shows up in a shallower breath; knots in my belly; wakeful nights with thoughts twirling every which way; agitation bubbling under my surface.
I know what to say to myself. “Stay with your body. Feel THAT energy. Feel it without a story.  Meet it as a friend.  Shake, dance, howl, stomp, laugh, rage. Laugh some more. BREATHE …  It’s simply energy and it wants to move.”
I know the power of following that message. It’s been faithful time and time again.  And still, I found myself here once again, wiggling and agitated until Kenneth matter-of-factly commented  “stay with your body.”
And I actually paid attention to him!

I went to my room, shut the door, stomped my determination, cried my grief, hit my pissed-off-ness into the pillows, laughed into the spaciousness, danced my power, breathed into the love and pleasured myself into the ecstasy of being alive in a body that can feel it all.    And I relaxed into the newly  made space, now full of gratitude.
Sweetly reminding myself again, again and again …
In love,

Hmmmm … The photo I chose reminded me that this experience was during the last full moon daze … FULL!