~ Ripples ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Ones,

My days are full as I clear out a long-held storage unit and take another step toward a new home in the Dominican Republic.

The note I am sharing is from Cain Carroll who is an author and teacher of radical self-healing and embodied spiritual practice.  Cain’s gentle, focused presence is a gift. I am often encouraged by his messages.  There is a link to his website at the end of his message.

Rippling in love,


“I can’t move,”
she said. 

“I’m frozen solid,
locked inside
from the pain, 
of trying
to be
who they told me
to be. 

I’m knotted
in confusion, 
in history, 
in uncertainty.

Look at this world!
Look at me!
Will it ever
feel okay!?” 

Her throat opens,
she screams. 

Just then, 
all of the sudden, 
a jolt
disrupts the tightness. 

A wave wells up
from inside
— before thought —
tiny at first; 
just a ripple. 

An undulation, 
flows through
her flesh;

A deep sigh.


Movement rises
without intent.
It comes from
her animal body,
from wind,
from earth,
from water. 

The iceblock
of self-contortion
melting, melting. 

The story of
melting, melting. 

Together In Motion
