~ When The Night Sky Talks ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Stardust,

I can’t resist the night sky; the way the sparkle of stars is like fairy dust that has settled on the darkest black velvet.
After a middle-of-the-night morning pee I often wander out onto the terrace for a star bath.  Sometimes it’s a quick 5–minute dip and sometimes I’ll hang with the stars for hours.
The other night, after a long soak, I noticed how Orion had glided closer to toward the horizon.  And it wouldn’t be long before the Pleiades cluster of stars slips out of view behind the mountain.  Their movement was imperceptible to my watching eye, but here they were, clearly in different places in the sky.
I’m wondering about the ways other parts of life also move imperceivably; only revealed in relationship to time, comparisons and reference points.
I consider how inaccurate my perceptions and perspectives are. 
Of course, the stars are not moving across the sky.  It’s this planet I’m living on that is slowly twirling.   And “slowly” compared to what?  We’re speedy compared to Venus!
And isn’t it astonishing that there is stillness here; yet, at the same time, you and I are zooming through space at incomprehensible speeds. 
And, of course, the stars do have their own moving, too. 
There is a whole lot of happenings happening out there!  
In the middle-of-the-night-quiet the stars speak clearly…
Nothing is as it seems
There are always other perspectives
You only see a minuscule part of what’s going on
You can never fully understand anything
Yes, You are made of the same stuff as stars …
    and YOU Sparkle!!!

And under the stars I am reminded …
Gaze. Bathe. Dance. Sing. Meditate. Sleep. Dream. Imagine. Wonder. Shine-on.

Sending Starlight Your Way,