~ Beautiful Ways To Share Your Love ~

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~ Sweet Reminders ~

We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
—Native American proverb

Last week I sent this message to my StarDancer email list. The heartfelt-grateful comments I received in response moved me to forward this to you, too.

This Sweet Reminder is about love, care and gratitude for the our earth;  perfect for a Thanksgiving love note. 

Hello Beloveds,
This is a love note; a love note to this glorious planet.  This is a thanks giving note.

Most of you know Kenneth and I through Sacred Loving, the couples’ workshop we began facilitating way back in 2000.   Over the years the words Sacred Loving have evolved and flourished in me far beyond those workshop circles.

Right this moment, I’m listening to the waking-up bird chatter. I’m watching the first rays of the sun sparkle across dewy field in front of me.  On my left side, the light filtering through the jungely trees is like a fairy land. And I feel my heart and soul bursting with the loving of it. This is Sacred Loving.

Of course, what loving could possibly not be Sacred?
And this planet needs huge doses of Sacred Loving right now. 

Because it brilliantly conveys what’s been on my mind, I’m sending a message I received last week from Lynne Twist, the founder of The Soul of Money Institute (which doesn’t scratch the surface of her bio).  It’s my Thanksgiving note to you and it’s bringing a deep call to Sacred Loving the planet. 

The Thanksgiving timing is perfect.  Many of us more consciously turn our attention to gratitude, thanks and appreciation.  Many of us will be connecting with family and friends in this spirit.   It could be the perfect time to bring some of the planet-loving suggestions Lynne writes about into conversation and loving action.

I invite you to savor and contemplate Lynne’s ideas.  I share these with gratitude and respect. I’ve include her links below her message

In Sacred Love,


The Gift of Presence 


As my family and I gather for the holidays this year, I am reminded of the intention to gift in a way that fosters more presence, meaning, and love in our lives.

While the media has been offering consumer tips about early shopping in the face of supply chain challenges this year, I wanted to give an alternative perspective:  

This year is an opportunity to transform our habits from consuming and buying more of what we don’t need to a mindful and intentional practice of reciprocity and sufficiency. 

  • Shop in the House: Find treasures or objects in your home that hold meaning and re-gift them to your loved ones with a special note as to why you chose that particular book, scarf, talisman, jewel, piece of clothing, textile, etc., and why you wanted to gift it to them.  
  • A Gift from the Heart: Make something by hand or showcase your talent. This might be a photograph, a work of art, a composition of music, or a homemade dish. 
  • The Gift of Philanthropy: Consider gifting money to your children or grandchildren with the intention that they find a cause, person in need, or a charity that they wish to give that money to in support of something they care about. Part of the gift is then making the time to talk about who or what they chose. 
  • The Gift of Time: Create a certificate or a booklet for someone you love to spend time together. Perhaps it’s a gift certificate that honors a future time to make a meal and spend an evening together or take an afternoon to hike or have a special outing together. 

What if the supply chain interruption is a disguised gift to remind us of the endless supply chain of love and well-being that’s right at our fingertips? 

What if it’s about reclaiming our sufficiency to draw from resources we already have and to share those resources with others? 

What if it’s about noticing that what we crave isn’t another material thing but instead it’s about bringing more presence to our lives and sharing ourselves in mutually beneficial ways with those we care about?

With love and blessings, 
Lynne Twist


Journaling & Meditation:

  • What are some items that hold meaning in your home that you might want to gift? 
  • What conversation might you create with your family to invite this new way of giving and gifting into practice? 
  • How does changing the way you gift make you feel about the upcoming season? 

About Lynne Twist

The Soul Of Money Institute


We’re Sharon & Kenneth Mauldin
Over our 30 years as intimate partners we’ve found our sexuality and relationship to be profound doorways to our spirits and our connection to the Divine.

We are honored to offer a safe space and loving guidance for couples and individuals to experience their sexuality as a sacred learning and healing ground, while growing in trust and intimacy with themselves and others.

We invite you to join us as ecstatic lovers of life.

Kenneth & Sharon Mauldin
Exploring the mystery of Sacred Loving with you

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Sacred Loving Playshops

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