~ Playing With Wonderosity ~ `

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear One,

I have a new word I’ve been playing with.

Wonderosity …
          the magical and astonishing state of being, when wonder and curiosity dance and play together

I first heard that word from a classmate. She was fumbling around to find a word to describe the ecstatic state she was experiencing.  Out popped wonderosity.   That was about a year ago and since then wonderosity,  has become one of my touchstones into presence.

No matter what is going on in my life or around me,  no matter what my internal weather, when I face a moment with curiosity and wonder, life gets more interesting. 

Wonderosity ignites my inspiration and creativity. It turns my attention from problems to possibilities.  It brings a sparkle to what I saw as mundane. Just saying the word makes me smile.

And I’m also smiling as I imagine you playing in the alchemy of wonder and curiosity.  Enjoy their dance!

Sharing love and wonderosity with you,