The world needs you more than the world needs what you do.
I came across this as I prowled through my old journal entries, the original source long forgotten. The quote hit me like a gust of fresh air. I’ve been in the busy world of house building and there is a heck of a lot of “to do’s” going on. I was reminded to stop and smile at the part of me that likes to do, do, do.
The world needs ME more than it needs what I do. I’m paying enough attention to see that what we DO is honored in these words, too. It can be easy to jump into shaming or judging the” to-do”-er but certainly the world needs the gifts we bring through our doings.
This quote gently turned me to the heart of where I long my doing to flow from: the undefended, quirky, joy-filled presence that brings the flavor of ME to Life.
A song, a dance, two breaths, a belly laugh, a smiling heart – It’s the simple things like those that bring ME to the world. From there the flavor of my doing is infused with the ME the world so desperately needs.
I’m curious, what brings you home to yourself when the doing takes over?
The world needs YOU.
With love, a smile and a breath,
Sharon |