~ Tender Prayer As I Leave Hawaii ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Beloveds,

Here I am.  Days away from leaving the Island of Hawaii where I’ve been living this past year.  I’ve been on a wild ride through the territory of emotions.  There’s been a lot to feel, especially as I appreciate  and “pre-miss”  the people who have graced my life while I’ve been here.

And then this, by Pádraig Ó Tuama, from the book Prayers from the Corrymeela Community , found it’s way to me ….

They said to him, ‘Rabbi, where are you staying?’  He said to them, ‘ Come and see.’ John1.38-39

Jesus of Nazareth,
You met unlikely people in unlikely places
and  joined yourself to them in friendship.
May we be like you in this way,
finding friends at crossroads and bus stops,
in queues and crisis, in kindness and curiosity.
Because, we, like you,
need the company of others.

Here in Hawaii I’ve found some of my richest and sweetest connections in the most unlikely places, with the most unlikely people.   People I usually would not have taken the time to know have  preciously curled up into my heart .

I needed their company.   They loved me.  They changed me.  I am grateful.

May this prayer continue to have it’s sweet way with me.

In the spirit of Aloha,