~ In The Center of The City of Angeles ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear One,

For the past month I’ve been in Los Angeles. It’s an amazing city.  But it’s a city that seems to be on steroids.   This practice has been a gentle but potent ally to me.  It’s helped me move from overwhelm to wonder and presence.


In the center of the storm there is a sweet, still spot.
Find that spot within yourself.

You can’t “work” to “find it”.  It’s an effortless place.
Soften your breath; un-clench your belly; allow your face to soften.
The center is always present. Right here. Right now.

Rest in the eye of the storm.
The outer chaos of daily life will continue to swirl around you …
but you can rest in the peaceful core of your being.

The inner chaos of your thoughts might continue to jabber…
but you can take refuge in the quiet of the center.

Yes, there is a still, peace-filled place within you.
Find that place and rest here with me for awhile.

Hanging out in the center with you.
With love,