~ Sweet Reminder from Dr. Seuss ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Treasure,

YOU!   You  ARE a Treasure. 

You are absolutely unique. 

You are irreplaceable. You are a jewel. You are priceless.

From your glorious brilliance, to everyone one of your quirky me-isms, bring it ALL to this party of Life.

Please, let your unapologetic YOU come out and play.  

Stop waiting until you’re perfect.
You already are perfectly, imperfect.

Stop waiting until you’re fixed.
You are not broken. There is nothing to fix.

Stop waiting until you’ve got-it-all-together.  
You’re too magnificent to be contained.

Let go. Be Messy.  Be Here. Outrageous. Present. Alive. YOU!

Celebrating the YOU of YOU,

Today You Are You ~ Dr Seuss Quote ~