~ I’m Loving Lucy ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello dear ones,

To me, these Lucy/emoji pics are hilarious .

I appreciate how Lucy could travel through the full range of emotions in one episode of her TV series.  Emojis are fun to use but they are NOT emotions.  Lucy felt it all.

So, as I laugh at this humor, I let myself be sweetly reminded to feel my full spectrum of emotions … and not take myself quite so seriously.

With loving humor,

Loving Lucy in all her flavors

~ Practice Feeling What’s Present Without A Story ~

Whenever you feel provoked, irritated, pulled to make a response, STOP ……..   Sit back in the saddle. 

Scan your body and notice what you are feeling. Seek out any areas of strong emotional tension; feel what is there.

Stay with the sensations, dropping the story—the why and the because  – do everything you can to experience what is here, to the maximum possible degree, for no more than a few minutes …..   Then relax.

Feel your inner experience as though for the first time.
If there is more emotional tension calling to be felt in this moment,   take a few extra minutes to welcome the feeling even more totally.   Keep going until the charge is gone.

Feel yourself now: you are not just a loving person,
                      You are Love itself.