~ This Kauai Morning ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Aloha Dearheart,

This morning, as I watched the Kauai sunrise, I noticed how my thoughts were full of a whole list of evaluations …  The sky is stunning, glorious, gorgeous.  This morning is very windy. The ocean is wild and beautiful. I love this temperature.  I’m happy. I’m content.

On and on goes my internal ramblings about my experience … comparing, contrasting, labeling.  
I reflected on the insight that even my “best” descriptive labels separate me from pure experience.  
I also became curious… 

What would it be like to exquisitely experience this moment without those evaluations? What could it be like if that running commentary became just a whisper in the background or slipped away into silence?

And then I became quiet and still, letting thoughts float away like clouds.
One by one, like autumn leaves dropping off their tree,
or water droplets sliding off a duck’s back…
My labeling thoughts dropped away and left me in the world of sensation.  Welcoming pure sensation without my mind jumping in to give me it’s story of what it perceived.  No comparisons or label. No descriptive words.
Tasting the mystery of surf
Hearing the mystery of wind song
Smelling the mystery of air
Feeling the mystery of sunrise

Becoming presently alive in my body of senses. Loving this moment, exactly as it shows up, through the gift of my body and the grace of a still mind.

Practicing Presence with Love,