Hello Dear Heart,
Not long ago, while I was sitting in the “what’s next?”, I wrote about my experience of waiting. Here’s an update on what’s been unfolding for me.
I was waiting; and then I wasn’t. The next movement became clear; invitations; commitments; airline tickets bought. And here I am; writing this from Ecuador.
The Holy often moves beyond the confines of the linear time and space that I’m most comfortable with. It’s a continual practice to deepen in my trust of the impeccable timing of “The Holy Tickle That Moves My Feet”.
Here some of the thoughts that have been stirring in me:
* At times that impulse to move can look like a small, insignificant step. Take that step!
* At other times following that impulse can seem like stepping off a cliff into thin air. Leap!
* Following that impulse doesn’t always look neat and tidy. It’s not always a rosy, smooth road. It doesn’t necessarily lead to where or what I expected. (more accurately, it has never lead to what I expected. lol) My thoughts might get tangled up in confusion; but, there is a place, when I am still, where that impulse feels absolutely right.
* When I’m moved by an irresistible impulse one of my habits is to act like the waiting ceases and it’s time for me to take over with action. It’s like I tell God “Thanks for the direction, I’ve got it from here.” So, I come to the practice of letting go of my compulsive doing-ness and slip back into spaciousness that invites the doings to emerge and flow with ease, through presence.
* I have become curious about cultivating a deeper experience of “waiting in presence” in contrast to “waiting in distraction”.
Here’s the paradox that makes me smile…
When I go deeper, there’s no such thing as waiting.
Every moment is the only moment.
Breathe this Now Moment.
Feel what’s here right now.
See the aliveness that permeates everything.
Life is happening in what I called the waiting moments.
I meet Love here. Love meets me here.
There’s a shit-load happening in the waiting.
I’m reminding myself not to miss it.
Sharing my thoughts from Ecuador and sending you love,