~Thoughts Fluttering By & One of My Most Cherished Resources ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

     ~ An Offer For You ~
I have the heart and energy to offer you support in this uncertain time by way of guided meditation, gentle practices  or simply with time to chat about what’s moving for you.  It’s my way of supporting the field of healing while I’m tucked away.  There is no charge for this.

If you’d like to meet with me via phone or zoom please contact me with two or three times that would be good for you.  Also let me know where you are located so I can make the time-zone conversion.  

     ~ Resources To Help You Shelter In Peace ~
I have been hanging with Krista Tippett and friends at On Being.Org.  At the end of my personal message I’ve included info for one of her podcasts and other On Being goodies that have fed me. Check them out and be nurtured. xoxox

Hello Dear One,

I am surprised at who I’m waking up with.  Life is morphing this woman-girl-mystery and she is utterly unknowable.   I witness my usual tendency to grab onto an insight and weave a story around it, beginning to soften into a tender stillness and ease.

I remember a moment, over a decade ago, standing face-to-face; heart-to-heart, with a dear beloved, David Cates.   Attempting to transmit what I was experiencing in that season of my life, I told him “I feel like all of my life is de-constructing. I’m curious and excited to see what gets re- constructed.”  From the presence in his eyes I knew he lived in the response he gave me  …. “Maybe nothing has to get re-constructed.”  

Six simple words changed my world. (and I’m not even certain those were his exact words. Lol)

I woke-up with David’s words this morning and they moved me with a wisdom deepened by the decade between then and now.  

The grub doesn’t have a choice. Her deconstruction happens. Her own immune system resists the changing; yet, by grace, it is the resistance itself that initiates her transformation. And it happens. She couldn’t control it. She couldn’t anticipate what was next. She couldn’t understand it. 

And, one day, in some unknowable perfect timing, she emerged and fluttered by.  

She wasn’t a story, a re-construction or an understanding.  She was alive, alive, alive.    

And it could not have been any different.

With transformative love,

Resources To Help You Shelter In Peace …
I always find food for my soul at
On Being with Krista Tippett

Pursuing deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy, to renew inner life, outer life and life together.  
 Prowl through the On Being archives and feast on what calls to you. Here are three of the latest On Being offering that have nurtured me:  
Living The Questions ~ 10 nurturing minutes on Worthiness from March 31st

Poetry Unbound ~ A Poem in Gratitude for Health Care Workers ~  read and contemplated by Pádraig Ó Tuama (who leads me deep into my being with every encounter) 12 minutes from April 3 ~ ( Every poem in this section is filled with treasures)

On Being ~ How to Be Grateful in Every Moment (But Not for Everything) ~ Krista interviews Brother David Steindl-Rast from  gratefulness.org ~  50 minute of rich conversation.