~ Getting Our Life Back ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Lovelies,

Hmmmm. I just read a comment on FaceBook that said,  “We want our life back.”    Well, dear ones, THIS is our life.  Right now, THIS is MY life.  This moment is here to experience, just as it is. 

This moment will flow into the next moment, and into the next, and into the next… Of course, I’m longing for the moment that will carry Kenneth here to me.  Of course, I’m longing of the day this Covid crisis is behind us.  But, nevertheless, I am here, savoring what meets me in this unique moment. Embracing this unexpected twist of life. 
Oh how my senses have become a dependable ally in these days!

My senses are gracious portals into this right-now-moment:  the biting taste of the ginger in my tea; the soft pokey grass beneath my feet; the way my head sinks into its pillow; the fresh fragrance of lemon blossoms; the spectrum of greens on the hillside; birds chattering away and the sound of a voice in the distance.

My senses are sweet reminders that this moment is ripe with aliveness.  The following poem, Today, by Hafiz, expresses the love-affair I am having with right now.    Below this poem I’ve include a practice I call The Sensation Vacation..    It’s a simple practice of presence  to nourish you during these days … moment, by moment, by moment.

Today, with love,

Do not
Want to step so quickly
Over a beautiful line on God’s palm
As I move through the earth’s

I do not want to touch any object in this world
Without my eyes testifying to the truth
That everything is
My Beloved.

Something has happened
To my understanding of existence
That now makes my heart always full of wonder
And kindness.

I do not
Want to step so quickly
Over this sacred place on God’s body
That is right beneath your
Own foot

As I
Dance with
Precious life


Our senses offer us an invitation to slip into being fully present.  Since sensations only exist in present time they can be our portal to dropping into the pure experience of a moment.

Enjoying even the briefest moments of pure sensation can bring peace, balance, spaciousness and joy into your day.

Very seldom do we actually give ourselves to deeply experiencing what our senses bring to us.  Our minds are busy comparing or evaluating what’s going on; or we’re distracted by a story of the past or thoughts and plans of the future.  Our days become filled with the doing of our lives.  

Sensation Vacations are a simple practice you can do anywhere, at anytime.  Just stop. Bring your full, exquisite attention to one of your senses.   Enjoy what’s here, through your senses, right now.

Experiment with weaving several of these mini-vacations throughout your day. 

Here are some ideas to get you started ….
~  When eating … Turn all your attention to the flavors, textures & smells of your food  * Taste a piece of chocolate or a piece of fruit as if it’s the very first time you’ve ever tasted that. 

~  In nature … Take a moment in the garden to deeply smell a flower * Walk barefoot in the grass * Bring your attention to the breeze on your skin * Sit in stillness as you watch a sunrise or set * Tune into the sounds around you and listen without labeling what you hear.

~ Get some body love …  Enjoy the textures of your skin and contours of your body as you bathe or moisturize your skin * During a massage or facial bring exquisite attention to your body sensations * During sex take time to be completely receptive and turn all your attention to what your body feels … and also take time to bring your full attention to exploring your partner through your senses.

~  Tune into sound … Listen to the delight of children laughing * Put on head phones, close your eyes and fully listen to a piece of music * Enjoy the serenade of birdsong

~  Where life is most hectic …  At your work place * Shopping*  Doing chores around the house * Focusing on a deadline … Slip in these sensation vacations to bring more presence and peace to the situations that tend to frazzle you.

~  Turn the ordinary into extraordinary … While cooking; enjoy the smells * Washing your hands; feel the textures and temperature of the water, soap and towel * While waiting for an appointment or for the traffic signal to change; take in your surroundings

Play   *   Stay Curious   *   Get Creative