~ A Little Sweetness ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

     ~ An Offer For You ~
I have the heart and energy to offer you support in this uncertain time by way of guided meditation, gentle practices or simply with time to chat about what’s moving for you.  It’s my way of supporting the field of healing while I’m tucked away.  There is no charge for this.

If you’d like to meet with me via phone or zoom please contact me with two or three times that would be good for you.  Also let me know where you are located so I can make the time-zone conversion.  


Hello Busy One,

Just for a moment …

Gently let your face soften.
As you unclench your jaw,
even your hair follicles relax.

Allow your shoulders to slip down away from your ears and your arms become heavy.

Invite your belly to gently expand when you breathe in, and softly deflate as the breath leaves the body.

Let the floor of your pelvis melt into relaxation and notice how your hips, buttocks and anus relax, too.

Just for a moment …

Quiet your busy mind.
Let go of the planning and the doing.
Feel your heart smile.

Wiggle your toes.
Stretch your fingers.
Gift yourself  with the biggest yawn.

Wrap yourself in a yummy hug.

Taking a moment with you.
In Love,

Resources To Help You Shelter In Peace …
Enjoy a little virtual bird-watching via this National Geographic slide show.
It you can’t be out in nature, let nature come to you.