I Wish I Could Show You …

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

I just found this really, really old picture of you.

“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the Astonishing Light of your own Being!” 
Hafiz of Shiraz

Hello You Astonishing Star*Lights,

I’m coming to you with raw tenderness.

I started writing this note a week ago.  Then the murder of George Floyd and the processional effects that have been set in motion have dropped me into deep inner reflections woven with anger, grief, sadness and hopefulness.   

And, just a few minutes ago I got an airline flight update which delays landing in my beloved’s arms until my July 8th birthday.  (Quite minor in the larger scheme of things, but heart-wrenching at this moment.)

There’s a helluva lot going on in me right now.  I didn’t think I’d have the mojo to write a message this week until I realized what I’d already written is quite pertinent right now …

The greatest gift we give each other is the quality of our attention

This piece of wisdom, from Richard Moss, came to me over 30 years ago. It’s been a faithful traveling companion ever since.

Through different seasons; changing perspectives and points-of-view; twists and turns in my life’s journey, this has remained true to my experience…  

The greatest gift we give each other is the quality of our attention.

There’s nothing else to say.
Holding you with love,

Resources To Help You Shelter In Peace …
I’m sharing this site once again because so much new, valuable content has been added to their special section for uncertain times.
The On Being Project

A collection of podcasts, poetry, meditations and reflection
for however you’re processing this moment. 
There is a feast here.