~ How Could I Resist? ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hola from the Dominican Republic where  Kenneth and I just agreed to extend our house-sitting commitment. I’ll be calling this land home, at least until April.

Last week I flew into learning a new sport.  Kiteboarding.   

For the past month I’ve watched dozens of people skimming across the water, being pulled by colorful kites dancing through the sky.   I finally talked myself out, of talking myself out, of trying it myself. 

Then I was introduced to Nelson.  Nelson, who is now my official kite-boarding instructor.
I’m just at the first baby step: learning how to fly the kite from the beach. ­­
The kite hooks onto my harness and leaning back with my body weight does the strength work of things.  The wind does the flying.

My hands need to learn to stay relaxed on a bar that is used to guide the kite by gentle sideways movements.    If I pull the bar close-in to my body the kite goes faster.  If I push it away the kite slows down. 

When I let the bar go, the kite somehow manages on its own, finding its right relationship with the moment.

Nelson’s basic point is, if things are messing up, let go of the bar. 


When you don’t know what to do; when things are out of control; when the kite is going to crash.  Just Let GO. 
Well, just letting go is counterintuitive to me.  When the kite starts to go wacky, my automatic reflex is to hold on tighter and use muscle and a hopeful form of kite-mind control as I tug the bar toward me.

That results in the kite diving to the ground.

Let go. Un-clench. Open my hands. Stop the doing.   
Slowly, I’ve gotten better at the Let-Go.  I’m beginning to trust what initially was awkward.  I’m hoping it won’t be long before the Let-Go becomes my reflexive response.
Let go. Un-clench. Open my hands. Stop the doing.   
I have a knack for playing with metaphors and getting curious about myself, so, of course, I wonder, where is that I am flying my life like I’m flying that kite?   
When do I desperately hold on to a fake sense of control and power? 
What situation is longing to find its own right relationship with this moment but my futile attempt at manipulation is tumbling it to the ground?

Where can I un-clench my grasp and trust the wisdom of the winds that are blowing through my life? 
I’m staying curious. I’m wondering.

And today I see grace in the wind.

Here’s to letting go and sailing into love with you,
