~ Join the Magic on The Solstice ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Infinity Mirrored Room—The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away,  Yayoi Kusama’s

“We all shine on…like the moon and the stars and the sun…we all shine on…
come on and on and on…”

john lennon

Hello StarLight,

Here we are again, for the very first time, in the midst of these Holy Days that traditions all around the world celebrate in unique and beautiful ways.

I’ve softened into a stillness that has settled within me; yet, at the same time, I feel a quickening in the inner landscape of my being.  In a few days we’ll be at the turning of the light that the solstice brings; the shortest winter day for some of you, longest summer day for others.

I love how some of us have the light receding while others have the light returning. Isn’t that always the way of it?

It humors me that this year I’m getting two winter solstices; being in the southern hemisphere in June and now being north of the equator.  (Could that be the reason I feel a little turned up-side-down now and again?)

Dec 21, 9 PM GMT, marks this turning of the light.   Beyond any other holiday traditions we may celebrate, every one of us on the planet is intertwined with this coming and going of darkness and light.  This universal nature, along with the astrological potency of this particular solstice, makes it a powerful time to globally join our hearts and prayers.  

During the moments of this solstice beloveds all across the world will be focusing on love, healing and new visions, at exactly same time. 

Since the solstice is a still a few days away, now is a good time to consider if / how you feel called to add some loving energy to that day.  Your prayers, however you express them, are valuable: a moment of silence, a dance, a song, lighting a candle, speaking your heart to the Holy, meditating, lovemaking, crying out your longings. It might be in your own solitude, or shared with beloveds, or tuning into a virtual event (The Global Silent Minute is once such event)

Can you imagine the light of your prayers joining with the of millions of other beloveds as we each turn our attention to love, healing and emerging possibilities?  How gloriously beautiful.

Joining you light and love,

Star Light, Star Bright

A great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be on the solstice. These planets will be closer in our sky than they’ve been since medieval times.  They’ll be visible an hour after sunset in the southwest sky.

21 December 2020
We will celebrate by holding an On-Line Chalice of Silence
 8:45pm to 9:15pm GMT ( (12:45pm – 1:15pm PDT)

Amidst the challenges we face today, the Global Silent Minute is an opportunity to unite in thought, prayer, and meditation to create the future we imagine. The minute begins with the ringing of bells everywhere, as together we enter into one silent minute, calling on humanity to fulfill its highest potential and greatest destiny: peace on Earth.

The Global Silent Minute is inspired by the Silent Minute launched in WWII in London during the blitz as a call to citizens to unite daily in a silent minute for peace and freedom. Millions participated, and its success was acknowledged after the war as a “secret weapon” which the Germans could not counter. Today, our Global Silent Minute will be a powerful force in the creation of a better world for all.  
