~ Sinking Into A New Word ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

“To watch the sun sink behind a flower clad hill. To wander on in a huge forest without thought of return. To stand upon the shore and gaze after a boat that disappears behind distant islands. To contemplate the flight of wild geese seen and lost among the clouds”  ~Zeami Motokiyo

  Yūgen …

              ~ subtly profound grace

~ mysterious profundity

          ~ deep awareness of the universe
~ true beauty and gentleness

Yūgen …
a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the Universe ….

… and the sad beauty of human suffering…



a profound awareness of the universe that triggers feelings too deep and mysterious for words

   Subtly Profound Grace,

Wishing you the blessing of Yūgen,