It’s Not Complicated. It’s Very Simple.

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Lovelies,

This message from Fred La Motte tapped me on the shoulder yesterday.  Take a breath with me and soak in Fred’s words. 

With love, Sharon


It’s not complicated. It’s very simple.

This is the time for us all to rest in the Being that is deeper than thought, deeper than any name, label, image or picture in the mind. Even if just for a few minutes a day. This Being has no opposite. This Being is the end of conflict, whose nature is peace. This Being is not “a” being, but Being itself.

And this is who you really are.

When you spend a little while resting in Being – not doing it, or thinking it, for Being is prior to any thought or action – then you create a magnetic yearning in every atom of the earth, every star in the galaxy, a yearning to follow you there, to feel your unity, your fullness, your peace which surpasses understanding.

This may seems like no-thing, but No does not exist there. There is only Yes. This only happens now, never in the future. Let it happen, the journey into Being. A journey greater than ten thousand miles, yet nearer than you are to yourself.

The journey of a single breath. 

With deep appreciation & gratitude to
Fred La Motte
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