~ Tending This Garden ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

A garden in my hand

Hello from The Garden,

I’ve been gardening …. sort of.  I now have several baby celery stalks growing in my kitchen! 
For the past few weeks, ever since I participated in a women’s circle honoring the vernal equinox, gardening has been on my mind.  But it hasn’t been the garden in my yard or kitchen window I’ve been tending.  It’s been the garden inside of myself where I have had my attention.

I don’t know very much about gardening, but I do know …

What I feed grows.   
What I care for flourishes. 
What I give loving attention to thrives

My questions become …
What desires do I want to feed?   And, what food do those desires need? 

How do I best tend to the new blossomings of my visions?

What are the “foods” that nourish the dreams, relationships and inner qualities where I desire healthy growth?
And I also contemplate …

What have I been feeding that is not aligned with the longings of my heart and soul?   

Hmmm. Maybe I’m just feeding parts of myself with the wrong food?  Could it be that something just needs a little dietary tweaking?
How can I lovingly weed the garden?

And maybe what I see as a weed is simply a miracle that I haven’t recognized yet.  How can I  be curiously loving toward those weedy parts?  Can I listen to the true voice of the weeds?
What part of the garden have I tended with impatience and judgment?  How can I be better at offering tenderness?
Here’s another thing …  I don’t expect my windowsill celery to grow into carrots!  That seems obvious and even a silly idea;  but aren’t there still ways I expect myself to grow into something that is not my nature? 

I miss the beauty and the yum of celery when I’m waiting for a carrot to grow from that celery roots.  I’ll also try all sorts of futile wrangling to get that plant to transform into a carrot.    Oh, how the celery gets neglected when that happens!  Don’t carrots and celery each have their own unique, valuable nature? 
And after all that, I come back to simply reminding myself …

Feed what you want to grow.
Care for what you want to flourish.
Give loving attention to what you want to thrive.


My tiny celery garden
Here’s my little garden! 
It reminds me that it’s fine to start small.
One breath.  One step.
One celery root at a time.  

Tending With Love, 