~ A Tiny Love Story from the New York Times ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear Ones,

I’ve missed connecting with you here.   Hot summery days had slowed me down.  Then, a few weeks ago, Kenneth’s beloved sister unexpectedly left her body.  Maybe another day I’ll write more about Carol Jean and her passing. That’s not for today.

Two weeks ago Kenneth and I took a very quick trip to Texas to be with our family and attend Carol’s funeral. Now we’re back in the Dominican Republic, both of us recovering from very mild Covid infections.

Even before Carol’s passing I’d been reflecting on the nature of grief and the things I grieve for.  And then today I found this very short story that I had tucked away.    I share it with you in love,

A Tiny Love Story from the New York Times …

Hello Old Friend
Grief was that relative I heard stories about. I knew her in the way I knew Uncle Gerald, someone I never met but learned so much about.

Then my husband died, and there Grief was, shaking my hand. I offered her the guest bedroom, scrambling to make it comfortable, but not too comfortable because I didn’t want her to stay long.

Instead of the guest bedroom, she marched right into my bedroom and dropped her heavy bags. Years later, she’s still with me, now an old friend, someone to sip martinis with and remember.
   —     Barbara Phillips (originally published on March 30, 2021)

Honoring the beauty of grief.
With love,