~ Metamorphosis ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices
    for Living Your Brilliance!

Hello Dear One,

For the past couple of months I’ve felt like I’ve slipped out of time and space.  My interior landscape was unfamiliar to me. Very little interested me.

And I knew it was important to rest and wait right where I was.

A poem titled “Metamorphosis” kept coming to my mind. I grabbed hold of that word – metamorphosis.  

I remembered I had that poem tucked away in my computer.

Ends up it was a poem I wrote in May of 2020.  I remembered the poem but did not remember it was me who had written it!

As I emerge from the cocoon I’m sharing it with you here.  


You might have known
That it would be like this,
After life-times of returnings.
Shouldn’t you have remembered
your bold grubness
faithfully inching your way
toward the unknown mush?

Or how about the way
you couldn’t begin to imagine
the unimaginable that finally,
in its own timing,
had its way with you?

THAT day;
and squeezing
your way to yet
another unknown horizon

Like the day you were born
Like the day you will die
Like the day that is here
right now.


by Sharon Mauldin
With love, courage and metamorphosis,