I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I’ve been knocking from the inside.    Rumi


A Little Bit About Me

I’m in awe and delight of this precious human life.  I see my life as an extraordinary gift that, through it’s unpredictable twist and turns, has called me to share my gifts through offering extraordinary-life enhancing experience for others.  That astonishes, delights and humbles me.

I’m passionate about supporting people to awaken to their truest Self, beyond story, habit and the distraction of the mind….awakening to, and living from, their magnificence.

My offerings blend the richness of my life experience and the guidance of my intuition with the wisdom and teachings from a variety of traditions and teachers. But when it comes right down to it, I’m more similar than different to everyone else on the planet …. A quirky human being learning about life and love.If you want to read more about me, scroll down the page.

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To get a glimpse of what working with me looks like, Click Here.






A Little Bit More About Me

When I reflect back over the decades of my life I feel greatly blessed.  I’ve had it pretty good.

But, as good as things were, for most of my life I spent a crazy amount of time trying to make myself be different.    I had this idea there was some perfect version of me that I needed to find.  And I looked a lot of places.  Religion, workshops, therapy, self-help books.   Here I am, decades later and I’m basically the same.

I had been hooked by the idea that the point to this life was to clean up all the messy parts of me, to fix what I believed was broken about me and then, after I had fixed myself, somehow grok the existential meaning of life.

In my fantasy, when I finally “arrived” … Ta Da!  life would always feel good.  My marriage would be easy and harmonious. I would always be patient, clever, compassionate, creative, charming, loving, irresistible… you know, all those kinda things.

But I don’t see life like that anymore.

What has changed is my relationship to Life itself.  I’ve learned to pay attention to the awe that can be found in every moment.   I’ve begun to see the awe of this human being I call “me ”.  I’ve come to see that what I’d thought was broken about me is actually part of my unique beauty.

My life is the juiciest, most vibrant and most satisfying when I say “yes” to myself with all my quirky me-isms and fully embrace every texture of experience and feeling that comes my way.

I now think I’m a masterpiece Picasso would be proud of!

One of my longings is to embrace and delight in the dance that happens between the world of paradox, where this beautiful, messy, mundane, exhilarating world meets the vast, spacious, unknowable mystery that is beyond time and space.   I’m learning to embrace all of that; sometimes with grace and ease, other times holding to the edges of my resistance.

I’m learning to open to the life force that longs to live through me.   That’s when my gifts flow and my brilliance can touch, nourish and inspire others.

This rich exploration, at the frontiers of our being, is where I’ll meet you when we work together.
Read more about my offerings by Clicking Here.
To get a glimpse of what working with me looks like, Click Here